Japanese English Top
Table 2203(Capital, Econ., Asset, in.,)
Consolidated Monetary Survey (Domestic Assets) (1996-2001)
cap2203e ( Rs Million )
End of Period  Net Domestic Assets  
Domestic Credit Other Items Total Net Domestic Assets
Claims on Government ( Net ) Credit to Public Corporations Credit to Private Sector Total Domestic Credit Domestic Banking Units Foreign Currency Banking Units Total 
Monetary Authorities Commercial Banks Total Claims on Government Domestic Banking Units Foreign Currency Banking Units Total  Domestic Banking Units Foreign Currency Banking Units Total 
Domestic Banking Units Foreign Currency Banking Units Total
1996 34,291 14,246 -1,406 12,840 47,131 9,938 5,553 15,491 193,842 35,931 229,773 292,395 -47,798 -19,015 -66,813 225,582
1997 20,300 26,065 -1,115 24,950 45,250 10,278 4,320 14,598 216,090 47,108 263,198 323,046 -50,944 -28,930 -79,874 243,172
1998 25,909 32,682 6,027 38,709 64,618 8,681 1,350 10,031 244,353 50,515 294,868 369,517 -60,248 -37,178 -97,426 272,091
1999 1st Quarter 32,036 28,078 8,116 36,194 68,230 7,170 - 7,170 253,059 49,729 302,788 378,188 -52,946 -43,142 -96,088 282,100
2nd Quarter 33,240 35,516 8,218 43,734 76,974 7,995 - 7,995 257,706 50,889 308,595 393,564 -53,450 -43,455 -96,905 296,659
3rd Quarter 35,616 35,368 8,194 43,562 79,178 7,438 - 7,438 266,628 51,919 318,547 405,163 -53,120 -44,826 -97,946 307,217
4th Quarter 46,716 39,166 8,033 47,199 93,915 12,707 339 13,046 275,532 50,395 325,927 432,888 -59,930 -46,730 -106,660 326,228
2000 January 43,537 42,286 7,913 50,199 93,633 13,531 1,213 14,744 272,240 51,833 324,073 432,450 -55,550 -46,857 -102,407 330,043
February 41,395 45,382 7,923 53,305 94,700 12,282 2,497 14,779 275,790 52,569 328,359 437,838 -55,506 -50,284 -105,790 332,048
March 47,110 40,268 7,938 48,206 95,316 15,358 3,233 18,591 278,572 51,996 330,568 444,475 -56,652 -45,057 -101,709 342,766
April 49,644 43,773 7,974 51,747 101,391 15,533 2,645 18,178 280,261 54,128 334,389 453,958 -63,632 -48,725 -112,357 341,601
May 56,672 37,814 6,167 43,981 100,653 17,148 2,613 19,761 280,082 57,084 337,166 457,580 -62,337 -48,506 -110,843 346,737
June 61,094 39,152 6,639 45,791 106,885 19,382 3,210 22,592 285,885 60,145 346,030 475,507 -70,884 -48,810 -119,694 355,813
July 60,488 42,392 6,441 48,833 109,321 20,576 3,838 22,414 286,693 57,935 344,628 476,363 -71,259 -46,678 -117,937 358,426
August 59,822 43,264 6,514 49,778 109,600 20,865 6,316 27,181 288,592 57,070 345,662 482,443 -68,872 -51,192 -120,064 362,379
September 96,339 40,201 6,514 46,715 116,054 20,195 8,440 28,635 292,777 56,843 349,620 494,309 -72,486 -51,890 -124,376 369,933
October 74,875 37,574 14,414 51,988 126,863 22,692 10,960 33,652 297,887 55,741 353,628 514,143 -75,661 -55,290 -130,951 383,192
November 82,622 36,574 12,991 49,568 132,187 25,134 11,611 36,745 301,950 56,330 358,280 527,212 -76,461 -54,945 -131,406 395,806
December 91,556 42,998 12,820 55,748 147,304 26,986 11,268 38,254 307,613 56,756 364,369 549,927 -78,406 -57,629 -136,035 413,892
2001 January 87,853 46,407 14,324 60,731 148,584 25,115 13,723 38,838 308,156 64,528 372,684 560,106 -88,705 -61,485 -150,190 409,916
February 83,968 50,030 13,633 63,663 147,631 24,946 11,446 36,392 313,160 60,882 374,042 558,065 -89,104 -59,314 -148,418 409,647
March 88,995 51,057 14,572 65,229 154,624 26,084 11,777 37,801 316,825 60,554 377,379 569,804 -98,724 -55,988 -154,712 415,092
April 89,292 52,096 15,026 67,122 156,414 30,091 11,814 41,905 318,742 64,328 383,070 581,389 -95,073 -65,146 -160,219 421,170
May 92,355 54,715 13,380 68,095 160,450 22,487 22,324 44,811 320,331 64,729 385,060 590,321 -89,547 -72,907 -162,454 427,867
June 89,407 51,999 13,257 65,256 154,663 25,285 21,321 46,606 321,498 64,626 386,124 587,393 -92,149 -71,643 -163,792 423,601
July 97,423 43,994 21,674 65,668 157,091 26,214 21,758 47,972 332,844 63,538 396,382 601,445 -88,973 -71,872 -160,845 440,600
August 85,436 52,864 26,142 79,006 164,442 24,364 19,264 43,628 322,182 61,918 384,100 592,170 -90,042 -70,849 -160,891 431,279
September 87,963 57,749 26,164 83,913 171,876 25,214 17,937 43,151 320,819 63,773 384,592 599,619 -87,850 -71,349 -159,199 440,420
October 87,837 62,117 26,642 88,759 170,596 23,114 19,531 42,645 323,941 62,949 386,890 600,131 -94,386 -68,891 -163,277 436,854
November 83,732 66,718 37,033 103,751 187,443 22,571 19,608 42,179 328,429 65,721 394,150 623,772 -88,030 -76,552 -164,582 459,190
December 84,668 77,067 39,709 116,776 201,444 22,934 17,877 40,811 328,788 67,966 396,754 639,009 -82,351 -84,597 -166,948 472,061
© 2003, KRI (Kusaka Research Institute) 
Annual Report 2001 ,  Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Revised:  2007(y)/05m)/10(d)
Chief Editor:
Dr. Milton Rajaratne (B.Com., M.Sc., Ph.D.)
      Head, Department of Management Studies
      University of Peradeniya.