Japanese English Top
Table 204(Capital, Econ., GDP)
Gross Domestic Product (Current Prices) 1959 - 2008
cap204e Rs. Million
  Agriculture, Mining Manufac- Cons- Electri- Transport, Trade Hotels Banking, Owner- Public Services Private Gross
  Forestry      & turing truction city Storage &        & Insurance ship of Adminis- (n.e.s.) Services Domestic
Year      & Quarry-     Gas & Communi-   Restau- & Real Dwell- tration &     Product
  Fishing ing     Water cation   rants Estate ings Defence      
Base Year 1959  
1959 2,302 31 682 283 10 541 801   51 201 301 728   5,931
1960 2,390 32 712 283 10 587 937   52 214 314 801   6,331
1965 2,523 35 919 287 14 776 1,191   93 294 372 997   7,499
1970 3,731 84 1,425 744 26 1,152 1,796   152 399 517 1,459   11,704
Base Year 1970  
1970 3,732 95 2,197 744 101 1,258 2,533   152 399 517 1,459   13,187
1971 3,705 112 2,399 751 113 1,270 3,076   166 407 550 1,549   13,674
1972 3,878 129 2,592 711 130 1,404 2,652   191 414 575 1,619   14,720
1973 4,892 489 3,122 802 136 1,596 3,806   220 421 654 1,782   17,920
1974 7,728 334 4,342 1,011 154 1,853 4,443   302 456 704 1,976   23,303
1975 7,798 450 5,158 1,018 164 2,079 4,975   336 639 798 2,276   25,691
1976 8,133 639 5,620 1,164 171 2,286 5,456   419 726 948 2,470   28,032
1977 10,644 595 8,023 1,133 194 2,723 6,239   542 832 1,177 2,582   34,684
1978 12,332 732 8,094 1,965 239 2,994 7,536   845 969 1,516 3,257   40,479
1979 13,412 947 9,484 3,218 398 4,744 9,435   1,243 1,293 1,664 3,944   49,782
1980 17,151 1,249 11,048 5,552 601 5,293 10,898   1,785 1,457 1,965 5,247   62,246
1981 21,977 1,514 12,883 7,001 808 7,307 14,197   2,463 1,768 2,350 7,069   79,337
1982 25,157 1,734 14,134 7,959 1,244 8,536 16,059   3,192 2,052 2,878 8,698   91,643
Base Year 1982  
1982 24,964 2,238 13,601 7,959 1,089 10,666 19,694   3,715 3,250 2,899 4,604   94,679
1983 32,180 2,799 15,958 9,807 1,428 12,554 21,759   4,183 3,696 4,100 5,414   113,878
1984 40,138 3,153 20,890 11,180 1,633 15,499 27,192   4,731 3,958 5,322 6,343   140,039
1985 41,069 3,328 21,849 11,640 2,042 16,554 29,261   5,693 4,162 6,376 6,347   148,321
1986 44,355 4,155 24,869 12,272 2,252 17,911 31,808   6,840 4,578 7,945 6,728   163,713
1987 47,923 4,927 28,470 13,020 2,346 18,663 34,520   7,455 4,904 8,501 7,002   177,731
1988 53,600 5,567 31,298 14,943 2,492 21,998 40,578   9,002 5,250 11,050 7,748   203,516
1989 58,462 5,980 34,941 17,332 2,778 23,109 46,625   10,496 5,850 13,600 8,955   228,138
1990 76,488 7,098 43,264 21,541 3,652 28,655 61,812   13,225 7,138 15,840 11,902   290,615
1991 90,257 7,204 49,816 24,535 2,729 32,896 71,556   16,399 8,130 17,630 14,247   337,399
1992 100,080 6,757 59,346 28,485 4,630 38,587 83,904   20,827 9,146 18,141 17,096   386,999
1993 111,659 8,446 68,881 32,615 6,065 45,533 99,736   27,804 10,344 22,622 19,387   453,092
1994 124,370 10,473 80,482 38,323 7,727 52,521 115,021   35,617 11,513 25,314 21,869   523,300
1995 137,678 11,510 94,098 44,455 8,701 59,217 131,449   43,346 12,572 31,136 24,165   598,327
1996 156,108 13,927 112,724 48,234 9,171 73,784 155,316   49,675 14,232 35,215 27,548   695,934
Base Year 1996 (-01)*1 (-01)*2  
1996 156,108 13,927 112,724 48,234 9,171 74,501 159,750   68,316   53,203     65,934
1997 175,774 16,587 131,876 56,434 11,280 87,192 182,518   80,709   61,328     803,698
1998 192,665 17,433 151,007 69,301 13,660 102,606 202,249   92,943   70,975     912,839
1999 205,599 18,322 163,103 75,538 14,425 114,978 218,293   106,819   77,653     994,730
2000 223,926 21,547 189,331 82,684 13,415 132,990 261,238   114,417   85,711     1,125,259
2001 249,790 23,959 198,721 95,057 16,127 151,983 269,922   138,140   101,898     1,245,999
Base Year 2002(a) (-08)*3 (-08)*4  
2002 233,615 19,888 302,365 100,404 35,608 173,745 389,332 3,660 130,465 68,371   139,094 39,691 1,636,037
2003 2,411,222 25,523 338,832 110,111 43,562 200,702 441,950 2,277 153,869 73,033   142,793 41,693 1,822,468
2004 262,271 30,129 391,421 127,692 49,116 240,307 513,498 11,763 178,119 77,676   163,474 45,375 2,090,841
2005 289,906 35,932 478,611 167,999 57,908 287,491 569,255 14,218 205,322 88,759   206,497 50,886 2,452,782
2006 333,134 46,202 564,987 216,833 72,457 344,909 659,597 16,646 266,972 103,201   257,837 55,902 2,938,680
   2007( b) 418,104 56,645 661,983 264,104 88,005 423,820 790,628 18,367 328,158 126,212   333,758 68,905 3,578,688
   2008( c) 589,998 71,768 791,898 327,138 104,666 530,980 949,372 20,611 413,322 141,794   380,765 88,255 4,410,567
© 2010, KRI (Kusaka Research Institute)
Central  Bank of Sri Lanka
(a) Figures from 2002 onwards are based on the estimates of the Department of Census and Statistics.
(b) Revised.
(c) Provisional.
*1; Wholesale and Retail Trade, Hotels and Restaurants
*2; Financial Services, Real Estate and Business Services, 
*3;  Trade
*4;Government Services
Revised:  2010(y)/01(m)/20(d)
Chief Editor:
Dr. Milton Rajaratne (B.Com., M.Sc., Ph.D.)
     The  Former Head, Department of Management Studies
      University of Peradeniya.