Japanese English Top
Table 204(Capital, Econ., GDP)
Gross Domestic Product (Constant Prices) 1959 - 2008
cap204aj 百万ひゃくまんルピー)
  Agriculture, Mining Manufac- Cons- Electri- Transport, Trade Hotels Banking, Owner- Public Services Private Gross
  Forestry      & turing truction city Storage &        & Insurance ship of Adminis- (n.e.s.) Services Domestic
Year      & Quarry-     Gas & Communi-   Restau- & Real Dwell- tration &     Product
  Fishing ing     Water cation   rants Estate ings Defence      
Base Year 1959  
1960 2,436 32 728 281 10 585 929   52 212 314 754   6,332
1965 2,773 34 937 266 14 740 1,105   90 273 372 961   7,565
1970 3,407 65 1,332 577 21 913 1,393   118 302 459 1,184   9,771
Base Year 1970    
1970 3,732 95 2,197 744 101 1,258 2,533   152 399 517 1,459   13,187
1971 3,642 96 2,279 708 90 1,219 2,456   166 407 548 1,598   13,209
1972 3,755 103 2,321 651 101 1,335 2,548   175 415 583 1,644   13,631
1973 3,725 472 2,266 665 107 1,354 2,607   182 419 641 1,700   14,138
1974 3,942 295 2,163 712 108 1,465 2,771   213 455 688 1,776   14,585
1975 3,847 395 2,263 649 117 1,497 2,886   276 463 729 1,865   14,987
1976 3,894 571 2,371 685 122 1,425 2,928   246 467 760 1,962   15,431
1977 4,299 515 257 619 131 1,498 2,999   295 475 791 2,099   16,078
1978 4,532 619 2,541 794 158 1,607 3,267   318 499 854 2,212   17,401
1979 4,622 652 2,659 960 190 1,716 3,551   350 518 905 2,378   18,501
1980 4,766 684 2,681 1,066 209 1,838 3,849   402 549 959 2,572   19,575
1981 5,097 713 2,820 1,034 234 1,957 4,034   462 579 997 2,779   20,706
1982 5,231 742 2,955 1,013 257 1,079 4,275   517 611 1,102 2,974   21,756
Base Year 1982    
1982 24,964 2,238 13,601 7,959 1,089 10,666 19,694   3,715 3,250 2,899 4,604   94,679
1983 26,212 2,413 13,710 8,039 10,161 11,281 20,738   4,130 3,315 3,786 4,590   99,375
1984 26,113 2,449 15,390 8,030 1,239 12,437 22,029   4,526 3,381 4,165 4,636   104,395
1985 28,366 2,486 16,193 8,070 1,313 12,959 22,925   4,975 3,432 4,432 4,419   109,570
1986 29,106 2,615 17,558 8,191 1,406 13,377 23,821   5,174 3,497 5,274 4,242   114,261
1987 27,409 3,112 18,748 8,338 1,448 13,538 24,496   5,490 3,550 5,435 4,358   115,922
1988 27,984 3,392 19,622 8,463 1,499 13,619 25,164   5,819 3,603 5,462 4,423   119,050
1989 27,666 3,576 20,488 8,514 1,526 13,883 25,588   6,168 3,650 6,140 4,530   121,729
1990 30,011 3,901 22,427 8,761 1,681 14,410 26,497   6,556 3,705 6,355 4,940   129,244
1991 30,570 3,511 23,949 9,033 1,800 15,534 28,556   6,831 3,761 6,304 5,355   135,204
1992 30,090 3,300 26,059 9,765 1,897 16,606 30,074   7,241 3,795 6,449 5,714   140,990
1993 31,554 3,693 28,806 10,400 2,125 17,287 32,584   8,023 3,841 6,642 5,828   150,783
1994 32,593 3,915 31,418 11,024 2,335 17,823 34,667   8,785 3,887 6,848 5,974   159,269
1995 33,659 4,048 34,294 11,564 2,573 18,803 35,906   9,707 3,938 7,218 6,243   167,953
1996 32,109 4,408 36,539 11,957 2,522 20,213 37,765   10,687 3,987 7,579 6,493   174,261
1996ねん=100(a) (’02ねんまで)*1 (’02ねんまで)*2  
1996 156,108 13,927 112,724 48,234 9,171 74,502 159,751   66,316   53,203     695,934
1997 160,753 14,460 122,929 50,482 9,918 81,074 170,148   73,951   55,698     739,763
1998 164,804 13,677 130,702 54,461 10,921 87,226 177,611   77,944   57,411     774,796
1999 172,238 14,238 136,498 57,075 11,958 94,303 179,940   81,259   60,851     808,340
2000 175,317 14,921 149,115 59,815 12,496 101,670 195,233   85,766   62,702     857,035
2001 169,377 15,019 142,909 61,292 12,130 105,497 181,730   91,456   64,381     843,794
2002 173,623 14,858 145,864 60,796 12,044 113,525 191,505   99,820   65,213     777,248
2002ねん=100 ('08ねんまで)*3 ('08ねんまで)*4
2002 233,615 19,888 302,365 100,404 35,608 173,745 389,332 3,460 130,465 68,371   139,094 39,691 1,636,037
2003 237,531 23,156 314,204 104,136 38,151 191,872 420,478 8,802 144,816 69,252   140,234 40,592 1,733,222
2004 237,536 24,439 330,459 110,259 40,445 210,495 451,433 10,691 153,143 70,008   146,030 42,460 1,827,597
2005 241,851 28,791 350,886 120,196 46,108 230,597 480,402 9,186 163,863 70,749   153,866 45,177 1,941,671
2006 257,147 35,769 370,355 131,248 52,926 259,546 514,511 9,411 177,817 71,533   161,611 48,689 2,090,564
   2007() 265,870 42,631 394,233 142,996 55,339 286,764 546,145 9,199 193,375 72,345   171,259 52,500 2,232,656
   2008(b) 285,897 48,090 413,680 154,173 56,847 310,029 571,911 8,741 206,048 73,137   181,051 55,896 2,365,500
© 2010, KRI (Kusaka Research Institute)
Source:  Revised:  2010(y)/01(m)/20(d)
Central  Bank of Sri Lanka Chief Editor:
1959 - 2002ねん(の1996ねん要素ようそ価格かかく)は The Central Bank Annual Report - 2002.ねんふろくだい7ひょう Dr. Milton Rajaratne (B.Com., M.Sc., Ph.D.)
2002ネンからはThe Department of Census and Statistics      The  Former Head, Department of Management Studies
Key:       University of Peradeniya.
(a) Revised.
(b) Provisional.
*1; Wholesale and Retail Trade, Hotels and Restaurants
*2; Financial Services, Real Estate and Business Services, 
*3;  Trade
*4;Government Services