Japanese English Top
Table 203(Capital, Econ., GDP)
Gross Domestic Product(Current Prices)(Saving)(Investment)(Abrod) (2002 - 2008)
cap203e (Rs. Million)
Item 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007     2008(a)
1.Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (2+3+4) 1,636,037 1,822,468 2,090,841 2,452,782 2,938,688 3,578,386 4,410,567
2.Consumption 1,374,112 1,531,033 1,531,033 2,013,802 2,439,816 2,949,172 3,787,438
3.Investment 368,406 401,316 528,016 658,019 822,240 1,000,320 1,214,808
4.Net Exports of Goods & Services -106,481 -109,881 -184,436 -219,039 -323,376 -371,344 -590,680
5.National Savings (6+7+8) 342,863 391,249 459,520 583,473 656,301 834,928 801,800
6.Domestic Savings (1-2) 261,925 291,434 343,580 438,980 498,864 628,976 623,128
7.Net Factor Income from aboard  -24,043 -16,535 -20,732 -30,049 -40,424 -39,054 -99,040
8.Net Private Transfers from aboard 104,981 116,350 136,672 174,542 197,861 245,006 227,712
9.Savings - Investment Gap (5-3) -25,543 -10,066 -68,495 -74,546 -165,939 -165,392 -413,008
10.Financing the Gap (sum up 11, ...21) 25,673 10,067 68,496 74,546 165,939 165,394 419,000
11.Capital Transfers 6,219 7,164 6,573 25,108 30,292 29,669 31,456
12.Official Transfers (net) from aboard (Current) 2,982 3,441 3,038 9,300 10,525 10,677 10,928
13.Foreign Direct Invesment(net) 17,716 19,450 22,826 23,505 46,985 60,768 74,837
14.Foreign Portfolio Invesment(net) 2,443 2,090 1,109 6,103 5,377 11,249 6,460
15.Private Foreign Loans (net) -2,044 -3,201 1,720 1,054 -3,591 3,314 7,767
16.Government Foreign Loans (net) 13,233 53,472 44,709 55,832 51,694 116,716 4,175
17.Commercial Bank's Assets 6,893 -9,090 -45,367 -19,669 23,789 -31,352 17,888
18.Commercial Bank's Liabilities -10,375 -2,039 27,504 30,292 39,287 38,746 -11,858
19.Other 6,548 1,877 2,514 1,604 -3,066 1,868 63,987
20.Valuation Adjustments, (Errors and Omissions) 18,109 -14,487 -3,604 -10,494 -1,830 -16,259 87,137
21.Monetary Movement -36,051 -48,610 7,474 -48,125 -33,523 -60,002 126,223
22.Per cent of GDP
23.Investment (3/1) (%) 22.5 22.0 25.3 26.8 28.0 28.0 27.5
24.Domestic Savings (6/1) (%) 16.0 16.0 16.4 17.9 17.0 17.6 14.1
25.National Savings (5/1) (%) 22.0 21.5 22.0 23.8 22.3 23.3 18.2
26.Savings - Investment Gap (9/1) (%) -1.6 -0.6 -3.3 -3.0 -5.6 -4.6 -9.4
© ‚Q‚O‚P‚OC KRI (Kusaka Research Institute) Revised:  2010(y)/01(m)/20(d)
Source:  Chief Editor:
Central  Bank of Sri Lanka Dr. Milton Rajaratne (B.Com., M.Sc., Ph.D.)
Key:      The  Former Head, Department of Management Studies
(a) Provisional       University of Peradeniya.