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Table 2402(Capital, Econ., Asset, Analysis)
Analysis of Changes in Narrow Money Supply (1992-2003)
cap2402e ( Rs Million ) ( Rs Million )
  Narrow Money Supply External Assets (net) of Central Bank & Commercial Banks (include Outward Bills) Domestic Assets (net) of Central Bank(2) Commercial Banks non Cash Domestic Assets Fixed & Savings Deposits & Other Liabilities (net) of Commercial Banks Adjustment for Items in Transit Government Rupee Cash(5)
  Government Securities Treasury Bills & Government Import Bills(3)  Private Loans Overdrafts Bills ( Local & Import Bills ) & Cash Items in Process of Collection(4) 
End of Period Amount  Cumulative Change(1) Amount  Cumulative Change(1) Amount  Cumulative Change(1) Amount  Cumulative Change(1) Amount  Cumulative Change(1) Amount  Cumulative Change(1) Amount  Cumulative Change(1) Amount  Cumulative Change(1)
1992 50,057 3,456 20,940 8,682 23,020 -10,872 13,486 10 110,938 18,578 105,403 17,727 1,184 1,140 11,740 -5,926
1993 59,355 9,298 48,119 27,179 386 -22,634 18,298 4,812 123,704 12,767 121,116 15,713 1,931 747 8,106 -3,664
1994 70,461 11,106 64,467 16,348 1,627 1,241 21,162 2,864 145,167 21,463 145,523 24,407 4,334 2,403 12,103 3,997
1995 75,217 4,756 66,532 2,065 4,515 2,888 20,512 -650 188,352 43,185 185,859 40,336 6,311 1,977 12,523 420
1996 78,203 2,986 61,861 -4,671 12,974 8,459 27,147 6,635 203,780 15,428 192,615 6,756 18,533 12,222 16,412 3,889
1997 85,851 7,648 89,292 27,431 -1,415 -14,389 39,793 12,646 226,368 22,588 230,527 37,912 17,456 -1,077 20,204 3,792
1998 96,268 10,417 93,724 4,432 -6,890 -5,475 44,328 4,535 253,034 26,666 256,282 25,755 16,892 -564 17,754 -5,450
1999  1st Quarter 102,616 6,348 89,587 -4,137 1,571 8,461 38,160 -6,168 260,230 7,195 256,508 226 16,956 67 13,464 -1,290
2nd Quarter 99,890 3,622 79,466 -14,258 193 7,083 46,020 1,693 265,701 12,667 260,961 4,679 16,873 -19 13,657 -1,097
3rd Quarter 102,070 5,802 79,821 -13,903 2,296 9,186 45,513 1,185 274,065 21,031 268,080 11,799 18,113 1,221 13,433 -1,322
4th Quarter 108,555 12,286 83,892 -9,832 12,873 19,763 51,832 7,504 288,239 35,205 293,689 37,407 19,464 2,572 15,129 375
2000  January 107,631 -924 84,224 332 12,742 -131 59,920 1,088 285,771 -2,468 293,823 134 20,300 836 13,904 -1,226
February 106,723 -1,832 84,587 695 9,705 -3,169 57,240 5,407 288,072 -167 298,517 4,828 19,217 -246 15,145 16
March  109,780 1,226 84,986 1,095 15,853 2,980 50,261 -1,571 293,930 5,691 304,416 10,727 16,864 -2,599 13,971 -1,159
April 109,871 1,316 86,409 2,517 16,840 3,966 52,305 472 295,795 7,556 313,499 19,810 17,728 -2,035 10,550 -4,580
May 106,416 -2,139 77,953 -5,938 22,442 9,569 46,497 -5,335 297,230 8,991 306,864 13,176 20,187 723 10,655 -4,475
June 108,760 205 77,286 -6,605 23,036 10,163 48,846 -2,986 305,268 17,029 308,005 14,316 25,207 5,744 12,465 -2,665
July 107,909 -645 68,366 -15,526 22,350 9,476 51,315 -517 307,269 19,030 304,203 10,515 25,415 5,951 11,772 -3,357
August 108,968 413 70,486 -13,406 22,161 9,287 52,785 953 309,482 21,243 308,936 15,247 24,675 5,211 12,335 -2,795
September 111,688 3,134 69,703 -14,189 32,819 19,945 50,077 -1,756 312,972 24,733 315,579 21,890 24,446 4,982 13,857 -1,273
October 112,639 4,084 74,061 -9,831 37,210 24,337 47,193 -4,640 320,579 32,340 316,636 22,947 36,996 17,532 12,771 -2,358
November 108,961 406 60,359 -23,532 43,891 31,017 46,011 -5,822 327,084 38,845 325,782 32,093 29,167 9,703 13,435 -1,694
December 118,477 9,923 59,448 -24,443 49,849 36,976 56,085 4,253 334,599 46,360 329,081 35,392 36,115 16,651 16,309 1,179
2001  January 111,711 -6,766 65,771 6,323 41,281 -8,568 56,131 46 333,271 -1,328 338,168 9,087 33,352 -2,763 13,224 -3,085
February 111,678 -6,800 59,323 -125 41,690 -8,159 79,731 23,646 338,107 3,507 340,645 11,564 33,434 -2,681 33,095 16,786
March  113,931 -4,547 56,408 -3,040 46,797 -3,053 73,786 17,701 342,909 8,310 345,976 16,896 33,825 -2,290 26,168 9,860
April 114,207 -4,270 55,402 -4,046 41,415 -8,435 74,585 18,500 348,833 14,233 347,164 18,084 34,132 -1,982 24,731 8,422
May 110,163 -8,314 58,032 -1,416 43,843 -6,006 76,603 20,518 342,818 8,219 341,021 11,940 45,688 9,574 24,423 8,115
June 108,528 -9,949 58,947 -501 40,470 -9,380 73,138 17,053 346,784 12,184 350,116 21,035 36,984 870 23,710 7,401
July 109,097 -9,381 67,812 8,364 40,971 -8,878 66,833 10,748 349,057 14,458 350,119 21,038 40,313 4,198 25,147 8,838
August 109,704 -8,774 72,127 12,679 32,785 -17,064 75,750 19,665 346,546 11,947 352,262 23,181 39,942 3,827 25,300 8,992
September 112,095 -6,382 72,521 13,073 34,211 -15,638 80,679 24,594 346,034 11,434 357,858 28,777 38,166 2,051 25,326 9,017
October 111,444 -7,033 74,763 15,315 33,186 -16,663 86,977 30,892 347,056 12,456 366,986 37,905 35,752 -363 27,800 11,462
November 117,102 -1,375 78,153 18,705 28,354 -21,495 92,907 36,822 351,000 16,401 369,121 40,041 34,818 -1,297 29,373 13,064
December 122,211 3,733 82,966 23,518 29,381 -20,468 103,373 47,288 351,722 17,122 374,297 45,217 40,327 4,212 30,607 14,299
2002 139,361 17,150 101,717 18,751 9,206 -20,175 96,747 -6,626 395,407 43,685 426,401 52,104 22,601 -17,725 14,711 -15,897
2003 161,635 22,274 129,487 27,770 -22,610 -31,816 117,705 20,958 459,454 64,047 479,805 53,404 25,615 3,014 16,979 2,269
© 2009, KRI (Kusaka Research Institute)
Central Bank of Sri Lanka
(1) Signs in columns showing cumulative changes indicate effect on money supply. Cumulative changes refer to changes from the beginning of each calendar year
(2) Domestic assets of the Central Bank exclude the item " loans and advances to others " but include the Central Bank holdings of the Sri Lanka Government war loans re - lent to U.K
(3) Includes Government guaranteed securities, Central Bank issues, and from March 1969 cash items purchased on Government account
(4) Includes bank investments in private securities
(5) Consists of Government deposits with the Central Bank and Commercial Banks (according to bank books) and currency held by Government
Revised:  2009(y)/05m)/10(d)
Chief Editor:
Dr. Milton Rajaratne (B.Com., M.Sc., Ph.D.)
      Head, Department of Management Studies
      University of Peradeniya.